The THPUA’s membership is diverse – it includes the biggest organisations on the river through to the one-person businesses. You can find out about our members in the Member Directory below and use the search box if you are looking for a particular member or specific services.
- All
- Manufacturer/Processor/River User
- Other River Services
- Port/Terminal
- Shipping Agent/Freight Forwarder
Steel Benders (UK) Ltd
Providing reliable and quality steel bending & profiling services to customers worldwide from its North East base since 2002.
Steel River Quay Limited
Quay Owner and Operator situated on the South Bank Of The River Tees offering a Deepwater heavy lift quay for offshore wind and general stevedoring.
Sub Aqua Diving Services Uk Ltd
For over 45 years we have been carrying out diving operations and supporting marine based projects all over the UK, where our clients have varied, our ethos has not.
Tees Foyboatmen
Tees Licensed Foyboatmen’s Association Limited provides mooring services to a range of ships on Teesport.
UK Docks Marine Services Teesside Ltd
UK Docks Teesside offers two dry docks and afloat facilities for repair, refit, conversion, and engineering to marine, offshore and industrial companies throughout the world. The yard is located within the Tees Offshore Base and is fully equipped for all ship repair and ship conversion requirements.
UK Marine Survey Ltd
The UK Marine Survey Limited is an independent professional marine consultancy firm delivering a wide range of marine and cargo inspection services to numerous customers.
Waste Knot Energy (Middlesbrough)
WKE transform shredded solid recovered fuel into Solid Improved Recovered Fuel pellets. Easily transportable by rail, road, or boat and easily handleable both pneumatically and mechanically. A particle size of 2-3mm means they can be co-milled with or even completely replace coal or wood pellets to generate power, in steel and cement production, or any industry requiring high levels of heat.