The THPUA works closely with the local community, supporting several charities and education initiatives associated with the shipping industry.

Over £20k donated every year to local Missions to Seafarers organisations.
The THPUA supports all three seafarers welfare organisations operating on the Tees – North Tees & Hartlepool Mission to Seafarers, South Tees Mission to Seafarers and Stella Maris. These three organisations support all seafarers visiting the Tees.
Volunteering to support seafarers visiting the Tees.
Many of our members are volunteers for the local missions, helping them to support visiting seafarers and give them that home from home. Our volunteers work in the centres but also support with providing transport for seafarers. Find out more about volunteering opportunities here.
Port and Automotive Cadetships delivered for High Tide Foundation to help showcase careers on the river.
High Tide Foundation is a regular beneficiary of the voluntary port levy funds generated by ships visiting the Tees. Many of our members are also patrons of the Foundation, providing additional fundraising support and helping young people with work experience, placements and various organised programmes including cadetships in port operations and the automotive sector.
Regular donations to the RNLI including thermal imaging camera for Redcar RNLI.
The RNLI is a regular beneficiary of the voluntary port levy funds generated by ships visiting the Tees. Additional funding has also been provided to support with purchasing extra much needed equipment, most recently a thermal imaging camera for the RNLI branch in Redcar which has already been used to save a number of people’s lives.
Tutoring and mentoring for the North East School of Shipping.
Many of our members provide invaluable support and expertise by volunteering their time as mentors and providing tutoring support to students at the North East School of Shipping.